
Canine Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy plays a vital role in the healing, pain relief, and rehabilitation after injury or following a range of surgeries. It can benefit dogs of all ages from your family pet to working dogs.

Older dogs can also benefit from physiotherapy to help manage pain and discomfort if they are finding some day to day activities difficult. If you start to notice changes in behaviour, stiffness, altered gait or a reluctance to do activities they have always done, regular physiotherapy sessions could help.

In working or athletic dogs physiotherapy can help to ensure they maintain sufficient muscle tone and strength identifying any subtle muscular asymmetries before they potentially result in injury or a period of time off work.


What to expect during a session?

Prior to treatment, a thorough initial assessment will be carried out. A full dynamic and static assessment of your dog will be carried out which will include a visual gait assessment and hands on palpation to identify any muscular imbalances and skeletal asymmetries. Following the assessment, a treatment programme can then be decided upon which may include:

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Myofascial release

  • Electrotherapies

  • Stretches

  • Exercise prescription

Payment is required at the time of treatment.

If you have any further questions about whether physiotherapy may be able to help your dog or would like to know any more information, please get in touch.

Common conditions, problems or injuries that physiotherapy can help with include:-

  • Hip / elbow dysplasia

  • Muscle, tendon or ligament strains

  • Reduced performance in working/competing dogs

  • Joint problems - arthritis, pain, swelling or stiffness

  • Post-surgical rehabilitation

  • Spinal problems - eg degenerative disc disease, disc extrusion, spinal trauma or surgery

  • Lack of function in day to day activities

  • Healing of wounds